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Thursday 21 September 2017

Attitude to Face the Ego - (1973)

Right Attitude

When facing any ego have the attitude that it is just a matter of first of all facing it, then working on it and persisting, then happiness, balance and positive change that we will be at peace with, is going to appear. 

The attitude that working and transforming ourselves will solve everything is what we need!

The work is there to make us happier! Only that, to make our life better! If it is not we must look at why, because that is not what is in its nature to do for us.

Why? Because such an attitude makes us to go ahead. Other attitudes stop us in our tracks and leave us more or less without resources to overcome the difficulty or solve the problem/issue.

Wrong Attitude

Attitudes such as where we believe that the issue is too big a problem to be solved or too important and sensitive to be touched or that the problem/issue can’t be solved by working on ourselves etc., just end up keeping the suffering going and the problem persisting.

The attitude that that issue or problem is untouchable and too important for the work - stagnates us.

The attitude that we can face it and work hard on ourselves and with the work come to dissolve/resolve/solve the problem is much better. Because there is spiritual growth waiting to be made and this has the power to solve/resolve/dissolve problems.

Whatever issue/problem we face don’t take it lying down, take it with the work on yourself, no issue is too important, critical, delicate that we can’t solve/resolve/dissolve it by working on ourselves. The work on yourselves brings out your very best and hence the best solution/resolution.

With the work you are going to be happy and you are going to solve the situation. Trust the work!!!

End (1973).

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