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Tuesday 26 September 2017

A Remedy for Envy - the Green Faced One - (1974)


This post offers a little bit of a description on the workings of one of the seven capitals – envy. It also provides one of the many possible remedies.
“Unmask envy and you will find pride”. by m3
(m3 = m.m.m = my marvellous missionary)

Dante on the second terrace visiting 'the envious'.

A Defect Ever Present

Envy is behind many painful pangs within us. Accompanying these pangs are feelings of being left behind, being less, being excluded, being separated from, etc. which often lead us to fall into identification with the “I” of self-compassion.

There are really many instances where we feel envy of others. As envy comes from pride and because pride is a very large and strong “I”, a very common P.P.P in fact it makes sense that envy is something that a person can feel so often. Perhaps several times during a given day.

When we hear the dreams and experiences of others, we may feel envy, when we listen to a lecture we may feel envious etc. etc.


A hint, when going to a spiritual retreat, one can take great advantage to of the things we see and hear to work on that “I” if it appears.

Happy for the Progress of Others

The result of working on envy is the genuine and natural feeling of happiness: for the progress, success, joy and contentment of others in any field of life.

This tells us that if we want happiness we have to have a look at envy and overcome it. To be envious and not wish others happiness is to sooner or later do the same to ourselves. An envious state is not a happy state.

Only Makes Sense to Be Happy for Others

It only makes to be happy for the progress of others.


If someone is progressing in the spiritual field and has made considerable progress, this is wonderful news in so many respects.

It is wonderful isn’t it? Of course it is! No doubt. If we want to work envy we must see firmly that it is wonderful and no longer believe in it being bad.

Intro to the Key to Escape Envy

If we think outside of envy we will see that it is truly wonderful. Envy in its limited vision, sees the progress of others as bad, as something that goes against us. But really, it is something that benefits us. It does not go against us! Seeing how it benefits us, is the key to escape envy.

Why the Spiritual Progress of Others is Wonderful

A person making spiritual progress, means that the planet that we all live on has been nourished, gifted and benefitted.

The spiritual progress of a person also means that humanity as a whole has been benefited, especially the small pocket of humanity surrounding the person. This small pocket of humanity includes us or can include us if we want! So, when we are envious of a person’s progress we are also anti the Earth, ant-humanity and anti those who are around that person.

You know the spiritual progress of a person gives us more time here on Earth before things turn pear-shape. The spiritual triumph of others is hope for us. It gives hope to the judges of the Divine Law for them to give humanity more time and more chances.

A person ahead of us can only help us. If we are open and humble we can give ourselves over to be helped, so to rise up a few levels closer to where they are. When we think and feel like this we enter into harmony within ourselves and with others who are ahead and who are behind.

With this harmony dwelling within us, we can then relate to those ahead correctly, with respect and humility rising in us and in turn our spiritual progress does not stagnate.

Just as an aside, if others are happy because of their progress they won’t be grumpy towards us. This is good in relationships. If our friend or spouse is always grumpy but gets very happy when they make progress let’s hope that they make spiritual progress all the time then…

Thanks to the spiritual progress of Master Samael and those before him we are here, leaning this salvific knowledge. If were envious of the spiritual progress of Master Samael and those before him how can we say that we like this salvific knowledge? It would be a contradiction wouldn’t it.

A Little About Envy

When we see that the person ahead of us can help us envy in us moves far away.

 Othello, Act III, Scene 3: "O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat
it feeds on"). Perhaps Shakespeare gave origin to the term green with envy. Jealousy and envy are similar, they only
differ based on their field of action. Jealousy is related to close relationships (lust and self-love) and envy is
related to progress of a material, intellectual or spiritual type (ambition, vanity, pride).
Envy thrives in not being able to accept the progress of others. Envy says it can’t be, and it explains carefully why it can’t be, envy combines with a ‘sharp sarcastic and even ironic tongue’, envy disbelieves and discards using a slightly angry and disdaining tone.

It may say: “let’s see”, “him or her there already nah!”.

The true thing behind it all is that we don’t know about others, we only know that we are not there or that we have not had that experience, or that we don’t have this or that ability. We feel envious we are not (when we have not had that dream or have not achieved this or that). When we are, we do not feel envious.

The ASH Remedy for Envy (ASH: Accept See Help) 

We can transform envy using this didactic.

1.) Accepting that another has made progress.
2.) Seeing that progress as positive and beneficial to others and ourselves.
3.) Allow their progress to help us.

The absence of envy is the natural joy and happiness for the progress and achievements of others. Wouldn't you rather feel that then the pangs of pain and the silent inner regret and the verbal sarcastic dismissing of others?

ASH Envy - Make Envy ASHes


This is critical that we accept the possibility of their progress. If they are wrong it will be apparent soon enough and we would not have lost anything.


Expand our vision to see the benefits. Use the imagination. This is critical also. If we don’t see the benefits we will remain stuck in the narrow and negative outlook.


Approach the person and enter into harmony with the person asking for help in one way or another, or if you prefer just observe them, listen to them so to be helped and so to be able to move closer to what they have achieved. All true progress is happily shared.

A person who has truly made some progress or has learnt something will be naturally happy to share it and foster it in others.

Not because I am ahead of anyone, my promise to you is that whatever light I ever get, I will share it. I hope to continue doing this through this blog site.

A Hidden Truth

The progress of others does not diminish us or make us less as an essence. If we see ourselves as an essence we will not feel lacking, less or somehow diminished and therefore we won't feel those hurtful pangs of envy.


If we are defined to be happy, it only makes sense to work on envy. If we are pro-others and pro-Earth being envious does not make sense.

If we see each person ahead of us as a verification that the spiritual path is achievable and as a possible teacher and guide on our path, we can more easily overcome envy.

Remembering our Real Being and ourselves as an essence is a remedy for envy and so many psychological ailments.

End (1974).

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