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Wednesday 20 September 2017

Love the Sexual Energy and the Transmutation - (1965)

Of Major Help

A major help to ourselves is to cultivate the love for the sexual energy and especially for the transmutation of it. The sexual energy is a grace, a gift and the transmutation is another grace and gift. To have sexual energy but not be able to transmute it is incomplete and sad.

A person has to really love how they can transmute their sexual energy, and furthermore fall in love with the way their own transmuted sexual energy via the conscious effort to transmute energises them, lucidifies their consciousness, draws them higher within themselves, makes them vibrate differently, produces the ‘to the core’ fulfilling feeling of having done something meaningful, having benefited their Being, having accrued some dharma etc.

This Love Holds Us

As love always does, it holds us strong during the difficult times, If it weren’t for love we would have given up many times in many different avenues of our life. This love for our sexual energy and for our inner Being or Spirit and for the transmutation holds us strong and joins us more and more with supra-sexuality or the sexuality of our inner Being or Spirit.


It is worth everything to love our sexual energy and the transmutation. You can relax a little and rest once you feel that love for your sexual energy and the transmutation quietly buzzing and alive within you.

End (1965).

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