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Wednesday 20 September 2017

Pride Stops us from Surrendering to the Being or Spirit - (1966)

Look Inside

If there is something that we do not want to let go of to give way to the work or the inner Being or Spirit in us, pride is behind it.

Whether it be resentment, greed, eating (gluttony), laziness, a grudge, a certain fear, an avoidance, lust of one kind or another… pride is behind it.

Pride wishes us to stand apart with our desire, vice, problem etc. and not surrender to the Being or Spirit within us. The simple act of just standing separate is pride. The fact of believing more in the desire, vice or problem than the Being or Spirit is pride.

To believe more in something that is not of what is essentially us is pride. To believe in the more, the less, the extra, the additional, the diversion instead of what is essentially us is a separation and that separation is always pride.

Pride always separates us in relativity, it always separates those into the more and those into the less. However, in our case this separation occurs within us.

Remedy to the Inner Separation Caused by Pride

This inner separation can be remedied by reversing the relativity and duality imposed by pride. When we believe more in the inner Being or Spirit we merge we then surrender. If we believe that the Being or Spirt is more the solution, is more contentment, more happiness, more fulfilling then the separation by pride closes.

To do this we have to work on it and practice it and reaffirm it and comprehend it deeply. Educate our free essence that the Being is better, best and the real.

End (1966).

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