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Wednesday 27 September 2017

Prayers of Healing for our Dear Friend Samy Kaplanian - (1975)

A Favour for a Dear Friend and Fellow Gnostic

As some of you may know a very dear friend Samy Kaplanian received a liver transplant on Tuesday the 25th of July.

He has been in hospital since then and is currently in intensive care. He certainly has had a very rough time over the last several weeks.

He is not fully in the clear yet, there are some complications, though in spite of all this, there is much hope, a ray of warm light has broken through the clouds.

Utter a Prayer

I sincerely ask for a favour, that you may utter a prayer or two of healing for a dear friend to make that ray of hope take hold and come to life!


Samy is a Gnostic student who has rock solidly supported our Gnostic centre and many important Gnostic activities (retreats) over a good number of years now. He is a very dedicated student and once he is better he is going to I am sure, push ahead and become a missionary.

We are fighting for you mate!

End (1975).

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