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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Abandoned by the Being - (2007)


There are stages in the path that we have heard about, where the initiate or master feels that he or she has been abandoned by his or her Being.

I wanted to know more about that so I asked my marvellous missionary (m3).

A Temporary State

He said that above all, it is a temporary state. It is something that passes. It is something that certainly will not be that way forever. In most cases, it is something that is short lived, however in some other cases it can last for a long time, but it will certainly pass.

Karmic and Part of the Path

He said that it is karmic in origin and it is also part of the path. For some reason the Being does not respond as desired and leaves the initiate or master to his or her own devices. It may even seem that the Being withdraws its force and light, leaving the initiate or master weak and in darkness.

This could be so for several reasons, one could be to force the initiate to create a strong base and yearning for the path within his/her own essence or soul. Another could be to pay karma and another could be that the initiate still can not be integrated fully into the Being because there is ego in the initiate and the initiate is above the common human level of things and does not either feel to be part of the activities, feelings, worries, concerns and company of other human beings in life. So the initiate does not feel belonging or acceptance in either field: within the Being or in life, hence the feelings of abandonment and loneliness.

The Feeling

The main feeling that arises when in such a stage or state is that after many petitions and crying out for help from the Being, and not receiving any answer the person begins to feel abandoned and not loved or cared for by the Being. Then like a depression or very sad and lonely feeling begins to enter the person. Of course to feel abandoned by the Being, by your very own core is something not so easy to deal with.

End (2007).

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