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Wednesday 18 October 2017

What do we do with Evil in our Life? - (2006)


Use it!

What? Use it? Yes! Use it!

If evil appears in our life, that is from the outside or from the inside, we have a choice to make. Go into it, identify with it or use it to further transform ourselves.

Rejecting it, suppressing it, squashing it, burning it, etc. may help but mostly it won't.

As soon as we chose the light we can use it to go to the light. For example, lust appears, use it to transmute and to go to the Being within. Whatever other type of evil appears, use it to our betterment!

We can not exterminate evil, rid our life of it just yet, or rid the world of it, either! This is because that job is not ours. That job is for the Divine Law and the Solar Logos.

In general, the contrast against evil pushes us towards the light, that is if we have decided before hand to use the evil that comes into our life uninvited to transform ourselves.

End (2006).

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