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Tuesday 10 October 2017

Convert Envy into Recognition and Appreciation - (1998)

Envy Transformed

When we transform envy this is what we get happening inside of ourselves: recognition and appreciation.

When we transform envy we are left feeling happy and in harmony which is infinitely many times better than feeling envious.

When we transform envy we recognise the achievements and values of the person and we appreciate them and there is not that feeling of “missing out”, “being an outsider”, “having lost out”, “having failed” etc.

We also come to recognise our place, which in reality is that we have not achieved what they have achieved but that loss is not felt, a happiness for the person takes the place of that ‘feeling of unfair or loss or protest etc.”.


We have not achieved what they have, we are not intrinsically less or more, though we can if we want too and they can help us. Our potential is there, we have to fight for it just as they did.

Recognition puts us in reality. When we don’t see this reality, that is our real place we do and say silly and embarrassing things.

Recognition is so important here! It is a life saver. Use it! It saves us from much suffering.


From appreciation comes happiness for the other person! That is so beautiful and because that unites us with them and not separates us from them with the ill-will and hatred of envy.

With that envy you partake in someway with what they have achieved. How beautiful is that right?

End (1998).

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