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Wednesday 11 October 2017

What About an Elemental or an Angel as a Friend? - (1999)


I have been feeling this for a while now and when such feelings are very persistent in one, one must take notice and quickly investigate, evaluate, get things into order and then act and continue acting until the goal inside the feeling is fulfilled or the feeling is satisfied by sufficient action.

The feeling is of a need to be connected to a higher source: to the Masters, to the Angels to the elementals; to be trusted by them, to be a friend to them, to be inspired by their wisdom, by their guidance, by their nature and to be useful to them.

The Legends and Tales of the Past

I have always loved that about the legends and tales, where the main character sought the help of the elementals of nature, and was motivated and instructed by their wisdom, advice and was also helped along by their magical powers.

Master Samael said that the salamanders of the fire were the ones that inspired Joan of Arc to produce a revolution among the people of France.

Master Samael himself mentioned several times that he would consult various Angels and Masters for advice and certain magical favours. Among them were Angel Anael and Angel Adonai.

Merlin and King Arthur

The legend of King Arthur is full of such help. Merlin himself, the Lady of the Lake, the many other magicians and their elemental helpers: gnomes, salamanders and fairies being among them.

Master Samael said that in those times some of the elementals of nature where visible and amicable towards men and women who wished for their help and guidance.

My favourite by far is the Lady of the Lake, with her wisdom and power. Plus her purity and timelessness.

A Deep Yearning in the Essence

There is certainly something in the essence of many human beings that makes them yearn for the return of these times. Therefore, such legends, tales, movies and books all related to the return of magic, the elementals of nature, the sages and mages are so popular. Because those times were real and very remote and ancient memories of those times live deep within us producing within us the yearning to return to what we once had but now have lost contact with it, and movies, books, stories, tales and legends serve as a pale substitute that satisfy a tiny bit of that yearning. But we Gnostics are not satisfied at all with that pale type of compensation (books, movies, tales, legends, symbols etc.). We must find the real.

The Whole Point of this Post

The whole point here is that we can do this. For me it is a must, I must get connected to a higher source. It feels awful and very nastily selfish and lonely to be going along in life fulfilling the stupid desires in us that serve no end but to waste time in life. To be connected to the Divinities is so much more fulfilling and useful to ourselves, them and others.

Master Samael said that even Yogananda, was much loved by the Masters of the White Lodge. So the Masters of the invisible can love human beings.

Lets Do It!

Chose a Master

Chose an elemental or chose a master and offer your friendship and beg for it to be accepted and if we feel it has been then do your part of being a friend. Invoke the friend, mediate on the friend, trust the friend, open up to the friend, offer your services, your help.

Be Constant and Trustworthy, Raise the Level of Being

Be constant and be trustworthy and work and work to be more and more like the friend., That is lift our level of the Being. Because the differences in the level of the Being is what separates all friends everywhere above and below, left and right, dimension to dimension etc. etc.

An Angel in a Human Body

Well anyone who has finished the first labour of Hercules has made their Being an Angel. So, imagine that your missionary could have an Angel as his or her Being.

Such a person is of course a source of much wisdom, love, guidance and inspiration for our life and for our path. They can answer many inquietudes and questions that we have.

It is good to be aware of this and to not waste the opportunities that we have before us in this physical life.


As far as I see it, the work on ourselves, psychological and esoteric opens the doors for us to connect to higher sources and to make some friends up there.

This help can not serve us ill, and in these times we never know when we will need it. Protection, warnings, guidance…The more of a friend we are the more we can be helped...

End (1999).

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