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Sunday 8 October 2017

Look After the Being in Life and so the Being Will Watch Over Us in Death - (1991)

M.M.M’s Inspiration

My marvellous missionary said out of inspiration the following words:

“If we look after the Being when we are alive He will look after us in Death.”


Not much interpretation is needed really, but we could say that it means that if we work on ourselves to cultivate the values and virtues of our Being and we maintain them and protect them here being alive in the physical when it comes time for us to die the Being will look after us when we are without physical body.

When in the Womb

Who looks after us when we are in the womb waiting to be born again is Atman and our Divine Mother. They are their guiding, instructing and forming us. It seems that while alive we are abandoned and relatively this is so but when we die and when we as essence are in the womb we are directly in contact with our inner Divinity, i.e. our Father-Mother.

End (1991).

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