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Monday 9 October 2017

To Feel Fine with Someone - (1992)

Take Relativity into Account

To feel fine with someone we need to take relativity into account.

The simple reason why we don’t feel well with a person is because inside of us there are more negative impressions than positive ones.

Conversely, the reason why we feel fine with a person is because there are more positive impressions in us than negative ones.

Where the Balance Falls

That is relativity. It is all about where the balance falls.

This may seem too simple to be true. But believe me it is how it is. I discovered this last night. Naturally we trust those that we have more positive impressions within us and we distrust those that we have more negative impressions than positive one inside of ourselves.

Mystery Unveiled

That is why we feel fine with people, because either there are more positive impressions from this life or previous ones still in our subconscious or we do not have any negative or positive ones in our system yet.


The whole key is to change this balance. So how is this done?


We want to feel comfortable with the person that we feel uncomfortable with. So, we have to change the balance of things within us, tipping the scales towards the number of positive impressions being greater inside of ourselves than the negative ones. This is done logically by either one of two ways:


Decreasing the number of negative impressions by transforming them and working them. This includes mental representations. The Divine Mother must be called upon.


Increasing the positive ones in power and number. We do this by remembering and understanding how this person has done many positive things for us. Because so many positive things that others do for us go unnoticed especially to ourselves.


Work to decrease the number of negative impressions and reinforce the number of positive ones and things will magically bloom and change within in relation to that person. I guarantee that.

Also, if you want someone to trust you give them more and more positive impressions and experiences.

End (1992).

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