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Monday 30 October 2017

Looked for Wisdom as a Kid - (2036)

Where is it to be Found?

All of my life I have been compulsively looking for that special something which is like a certain true, complete understanding of things. We in Gnosis may call that wisdom. Many people have searched for that. Are searching and will search for it.

I started off searching for it at school, I always gravitated to those who were older than me, because I felt that they may possess what it was that I was looking for. I searched among the good guys at school, and the bad guys. I felt that both had something to offer…

Among the Good Guys – But it was not here

I mingled amongst the well behaved, the ones who followed the rules and the ones who were religious and feared God. I found something but not everything that I was looking for…

Among the Bad Guys – Not there Either

I spent time among the bad guys and I found some interesting things as well but still in the end I could see that they were not in control something else from within them controlled them. Some absurdity that set them on a path of trouble and that totally lost my respect and appreciation and the wisdom that I was searching for was not to be found there.

Found it in those that that were Bad but Became Good

I met one person whom showed me what I was looking for. He showed me the formula, but I only realised that yesterday! He was once a bad guy but since had become good.

Much later one I was to find what I was looking for - that wisdom, that I mentioned above - among those who were once bad but had become good and had now moved to become balanced. In Gnosis is where such people are!!!

Those that were once in the very thick of the ego and have worked to get themselves out possess that wisdom that complete knowledge that encompasses both sides plus an extra side which is the side of balance.


This side of balance is the tip of a triangle and it has been arrived at through contrast. This side of balance is the spark of consciousness that is produced by bringing both sides together. That spark is understanding which is consciousness and which is also wisdom!!!

That is the formula!!!

This search may be going on inside of many people instinctively, unconsciously. This may explain why so many people are attracted to evil, because they may feel that the light, the wisdom can be found there more than it can be from the good. But they are wrong too. The light that they are looking for is to be found with the contrast!

The essence in us searches for light for a whole lifetime or even more! We need to tell it to make it consciousness of that search that the light it wishes to find is in its consciousness and the way that you get to consciousness is via contrast.

End (2036).

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