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Monday 30 October 2017

Which is the Toughest Judge of the Law? - (2035)

The Most Asleep Part of Yourself

Well it is ultimately yourself! It is really the most sleeping part of your consciousness that is the toughest judge, because it is that part that thrusts you into error without any remorse. 

The toughest penalty comes from yourself. The more consciously disregarding you make a mistake the tougher will be the decided punishment!

Carry out actions based on upright thought, feeling through the right effort, and all the judges will favour you!

See count them - there are 42 Judges!

There are the Flexible and the Inflexible

There are two types of judge we are taught. Those that beyond to the flexible side and those that belong to the inflexible. Those of the inflexible side, maybe the more rigorous in applying the law.


Each Judge we are taught in Gnosis, has its area of specialisation.

There are judges that judge only:
  • men or
  • angels or
  • Gods. 
The judges that judge men are those that initially concern us the most. These judges we know in Gnosis to be Judge number 7, 8 and 9 of the 42 Judges of Cosmic Justice.

We may find a certain judge of the above mentioned three to be administering karma in the area of races, nations, governments, epidemics, refugees and numerous other social issues. While perhaps another one of the above three mentioned judges administers the karma related to the processes of peace perhaps among, nations, families and individuals.

Remember there is national karma, family karma, individual karma and Katancy (karma related to the spiritual matters) and I think it is logical to draw the conclusion that there would be judges that have jurisdiction in one or more of these areas.

Well that’s enough for this post! Probably have said too much.

End (2035).

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