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Thursday 5 October 2017

Monads Fragmented the Absolute. Their Karma: to be Fragmented! - (1983)

It was the Monads

So, it was the Monads within the Absolute that provoked an imbalance within the Absolute and so creation came forth, being populated by the Monads that caused the imbalance.

With these Monads being outside of the Absolute and in creation, left the Absolute fragmented. With some of the Absolute’s core essential spirit residing within the Absolute, i.e. the three circles of the Absolute, AIN, AIN SOPH and AIN SOPH AUR, and then a large part fragmented or broken up into billions of tiny sparks residing in human bodies.


Karma always works to restore the balance. And balance and unity are twins.

The fragmentation of the Absolute is a state of imbalance and so the Law of Cause and Effect operated ingeniously to move the Monads back into the Absolute to restore unity and balance once again within the Absolute.

This was done by creating the Wheel of Samsara and by fragmenting each virginal spark or Monad that broke away from the Absolute. This inner fragmentation of the Monad then produced pain and with the pain comes the yearning in the Being to return once again to unity and wholeness.

In the process of the dissolving the ego which is the process of becoming whole again all the lessons to be learnt to not repeat the same mistake are learnt, and balance is restored.

Each of us has a debt owing to the Absolute and it is cancelled with our work and our self-realisation.

End (1983).

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