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Friday 6 October 2017

Work with the Source of Life - (1984)

Life Itself

Thinking of life itself, that special force and energy that springs from somewhere so remotely unknown to us, that force which provides us with life, that energy which animates us and allows us to know and to be, we can only adore it because it is our life. In fact, the secret of our life.

The worst is to fall asleep to it and become ignorant of it. When we do sleep, we waste it miserably, though when we become aware of it we cultivate it.

To be able to cultivate, enhance and be enlivened by this force is the precious inheritance of Gnosis as taught by Master Samael.

Where we can Find It?

We encounter the force and energy of life in our sexual energy, in our breath, in our consciousness and in our Spirit - our inner Being. These are the springs of life as a magical and mysterious current surging out of the Absolute the source of all life and creation.


Transmute, Breathe, Not-Identify and Self-Remember are the Tools of the Life Force

HAM-SAH, breathe, no-identification and self-remembering are the practical ways to enhance, align, cultivate awaken and stir all of our life forces.

Doing all these things enlivens, nourishes our bodies, our vitality, consciousness and the life force that streams through us.

These are the practical agents of the life force. These are the ways, the tools available to us to cultivate the force of life animating and moving through us. These are the ways to collect our power. 

Our power and the powers come from our life force. Learn to tap into we must! Says Yoda!

End (1984).

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