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Sunday 22 October 2017

Pride is to Feel Less as Well - (2015)

Pride is to Feel Less as Well as to Feel More and Better

When it comes to pride we often associate it with feeling more and better, this is certainly true, and we dedicate a lot of time working on ourselves so as to not feel more and better.

However, we often allow thoughts and feelings of feeling less and worse, all the while these thoughts and feelings come from the same pride that feels more and better, which is the same pride which we try so hard to eliminate.

Do You Honestly Think Your Essence or Being Feels Less?

Do you honestly think that your essence or your Being feels less? For sure your essence and your inner Being does not feel more or better but what about feel less? I don’t think so, the Being feels the Being, which is not more nor less, to feel Being is beyond those two feelings: more and less. I can’t imagine the Being of anyone self-deprecating, destroying Itself! No! I really do not believe so! So if our essence and our Being does not slef-depricate why should we?

We Think to Feel Less is Good, But is it?

No it is not!

To Feel Less…

  • To feel less is quite painful actually.
  • To feel less is to not feel ok with ourselves!
  • We think that we are doing well spiritually feeling less.
  • To feel less is to not accept ourselves.
  • To feel Less is to lie to ourselves. It is to be assuming a lie and to live a lie is painful – always.
  • Jealousy, envy etc. are both pride feeling less.
  • Feeling less certainly hurts and is behind many crimes.
  • Feeling less comes from a feeling of injustice or unfairness.

We Have to Get Use to Using Inner Compensation to Balance Out the Feeling of Unfairness

When in relativity things fall onto the side of less, we feel less. Once again we have the problem of relativity, where we must use an inner compensation, where we balance the feeling of less through self-remembering, looking for the truth, comprehending our errors, generating hope to improve and better our situation.

To Stop Thinking that Feeling Less is More Spiritual

If your inner Being and essence do not feel less, how could feeling less be spiritual?

I think that we can't continue to believe anymore that to feel less is to be working more on ourselves or to be more spiritual etc.

To stop thinking this way that to feel less is more spiritual is a sign of maturity and signifies that such a person is ready to go beyond the norm of duality and to venture in unchartered territory of the more awakened people and find the truth.

We often go to retreats and have this silly attitude of feeling less. Sometimes people come to retreats with the attitude of feeling more, which is equally as silly as feeling less.

Solution – The Balanced Person is not a Proud Person

Be balanced and one will avoid both sides of pride: the side of feeling less and the side of feeling more.

A balanced person is a humble person. A balanced person is an honest person and a person who sees both sides. The balanced person speaks the facts and speaks and acts based on the facts, on what is present in reality.

End (2015).

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