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Monday 23 October 2017

The Essence is Flexible! Pride Is Not. - (2016)

They Travel from so Far Away and for so Long

We have a big retreat coming up and there are people flying in from America, and all of those from America are travelling more than a solid 27 hours. Some are even travelling for a solid 42 hours just to get to here. Besides being expensive, uncomfortable, tiring it is also in today’s climate a little unsettling with all the security issues etc.

Then there are those locals that can’t make an effort to even spare a day out of their life to attend the same retreat. Ah!

One may get a little disappointed seeing such a discrepancy and one may from their pride wish to tell those locals to not bother even in coming. But that is wrong!

Why is it Wrong?

It all makes sense really, every retreat costs, even for those who organise it. The main speaker works a lot, the wife of the main speaker works a lot in the background and those who help both the main speaker and his wife work a lot in the background. Those that attend make great efforts, such as saving money, travelling, sacrificing their holidays etc. With that effort they get their retreat and all the benefits it brings to their lives. And why do they do this? Because they want the retreat!

Those locals that don’t make an effort and don’t bother themselves to arrange things in their life to attend such a retreat, do so because they don’t really want to come to the retreat. In other words it is not so important to them. It is cause and effect in operation, why should one become upset about that?

There is no reason to be upset because they are getting what they wanted and that is usually good that people get what they want. It is a different story when they want to come but for some reason can’t come, then they merit some kind of help to be able to attend the retreat.

Also, when we are relaxed and not bothered by an ego we are mostly our essence and the essence is flexible and elastic and comprehensive.

The essence understands the position of these locals and says: “Well maybe they will improve in the coming years. It does happen that students change for the better and become more dedicated. I wish that they do improve this way, and I will continue to do with them what I can to help!”.


The essence is flexible, elastic, comprehensive and constant but the ego despite being rigid, inflexible is inconstant. A strange paradox!

End (2016).

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