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Friday 6 October 2017

We Tend to Falsely Use Love to Get our Image Back on Track - (1985)

How Many Times?

How many times have we in the past said “I love you”, “you know I love you.” When we did something incorrect and the other person is upset with us.

We Pander

We tend to pander to others so that they, we hope, restore the way they think of us, that is to go to think about us positively once again.

The Trick is to Reverse the Inner Workings of Ego

With the work on the ego the trick is always to reverse the inner workings of the ego and as soon as we do that, we are on the right track before the Law (balance), the Being and our essence.

Pandering Reversed

So instead of pandering to others we must then look at what is true and accept it. This is because when we pander we don’t want them to accept the truth but to accept our pretend truth that we are ‘good’ or ‘not so bad after all’. We want with pandering to make them accept our truth by force instead of letting them have their truth (which may not be the truth but we have to see the truth).

The next step is then instead of pandering by making efforts to please others we make efforts to please our inner Being or the moral side of ourselves by working to change what triggered the whole misfortunate event.

We do this because, when we pander to others we forget our Being and so we must reverse this by remembering our Being. Then when we remember our Being we realise that pandering to others mostly goes against us.

When we remember our Being we can then compensate before ourselves, because we comprehend that we did something wrong or something that was a little wrong or border-line wrong, and all that matters is that we are upright before our Being. It is our Being’s approval that we must seek and we get that by working on the source of any errors that we can make. This is the compensation when we comprehend why we made those errors. We compensate to ourselves with light. When we liberate light we have balanced ourselves internally.

End (1985).

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