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Thursday 2 November 2017

A Little About Self-Acceptance and Being Good Enough - (2045)

Common Question

This post is about the self-acceptance and a common question that people ask themselves at, at least one point in their life: “Am I good enough?”.

Ask Yourself: “Are you good Enough?” If when you ask yourself this question you suddenly feel empty and draw a blank and then wonder “how do I know that I am good enough?” and then you get a little emotional and end up being a little sad or even cry a little, then we have something to work on.
Sometimes we don’t feel good enough for another person that we usually want to mean something to, but we never quite seem to, and then naturally the question arises: “are we good enough?”.

All this Points to…

All of this points to the question are we good enough for ourselves and do we accept ourselves. You know even when we go beyond this and look towards our Real Being, self-acceptance includes our real Being. If we are not good enough for ourselves our Real Being is not good enough for us either.

Our Real Being has to be good enough for us because that is who we were always going to be.

We have egos, we can not deny that, as soon as we bring them into our awareness, that is integrate them into our awareness we can begin to understand them and dissolve them so as to free the essence contained in them and have the higher parts of our inner Being take care of all of those areas that the ego had control of.

Another Question

Do you accept yourself? To accept yourself is to rise above relativity. We may not want to accept ourselves and our Being because it is not Master Samael we think that we are no one special. If we don’t accept our inner Being how can we send love to it?


This may seem like cheap psychology of the modern age, and on the surface it is but if we take it the depth of the Real Being in us we may find a little to work on or at least enhance.

End (2045).

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