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Thursday 2 November 2017

Where do you Find Self? - (2046)

We Think we Have One – A Self that is, But we Don’t

Where can you find the self that you feel that you have or are?

Search all over for it and I bet you are going to have a real hard time finding it. Even science now days agrees with esoteric psychology that there is no such thing as a self.

A Certain Flavour

There is a certain flavour of self in us, but it is an illusion.

It is set up with thoughts and then with the feelings that those thoughts provoke. Making us to think and feel that we are a self or that we have a self.

It is really just a construct of our mind that we believe in. It is a concept, and a concept that Gnosis says is not true.

It is very unsettling, we think and feel that we have lost our self then, that we do not exist and that provokes a terrible panic, yet we remain, we are still here, looking, hearing, thinking, feeling, eating ice-cream etc.

All that You Find…

All that you find when you pierce or cut though these thoughts, feelings and flavours that we think is us or is our self, is awareness, clean, clear and anonymous awareness that it encapsulated inside a body and looks out through a body.

But it does not have to be limited to the body or see only from within the body. It can be projected and transferred…

End (2046).

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