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Thursday 2 November 2017

Application of No Self - (2047)

The Psychological Ramifications of this Truth are Huge!

Just one application for the work on the “I” of self-love is that if there is no self, then there is no one or nothing for others to love in us and conversely there is then nothing for others to not love. There is no self that expects love or registered that we have been unloved or have been hurt.

A self is always the thing that receives the hit, but if there is no self there, there is nothing to absorb or receive a hit.

When our body is hit, our psychology, a certain self in our psychology is also hit and then we feel hurt, upset, betrayed, violated etc. But if there is not self, the body got hit, it hurts physically and we may need to see doctor and we can defend our body by being hit again by not getting to close to the person again.

Master Samael: Self-Concept = the Buddhist Self.

The self that many Buddhists refer to, Master Samael referred to as self-concept. Master Samael said matter of fact: eliminate it that's all. In many ways Master Samael goes much further than many Buddhist teachings and teachers.


The ramifications are tremendous and touch each ego that we have, as the ego is a particular self.

End (2047).

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