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Friday 10 November 2017

Black Vestments, Black Tunics Beware or Not Beware When and Why - (2062)

A Judge of the Law and an Angel of Death

Both the masters of the Law and the masters of the ray of Death wear black vestments. This indicates to us that black is not a malevolent colour when it comes to vestments. It is when it comes to auras but not necessarily when it comes to vestments.

The black of the vestments of the masters of the rays of Law and Death is a very different black, it is one that even being black emits light.

Malign Entities

Black magicians may wear black vestments as well, logically. However, they mostly wear, we have been told, a hood. The black of the vestments of the malign is strange in that it does not emit light, or shines in a very different way to the positive, peaceful, majestic way the vestments of the beings of the rays of Law and Death shine.

End (2062).

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