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Thursday 9 November 2017

Shift in the Locus of the Point of Control - (2061)

We Can…

We can, with the work on ourselves perform a shift in the play of forces within ourselves.


Normally, we are so scared because of someone or of a coming situation, because we are going to come under the control of another person and suffer a miserable outcome.

Well, it is not really that we come under the control of another person, but what happens is that we come under the control of our own karma or our own weaknesses.


For example, we may be scared to see a person because they will invariably insult us and because of our weaknesses we are going lose our happy state and spend most of the time while are in that event suffering.

Another example could be that we try to avoid someone because they talk and talk and stick to us like glue and we are scared of our lack of capacity to be able to handle the situation.

Another example could be that we are scared of someone of the opposite sex because we are weak in that area and our lust will end up controlling us and we will falter.

Locus of Control is Normally in Controlling Others

In all of the above examples the point of control is outside of ourselves, where we are totally dependent on the other person. How you may ask, well let’s see.

Out point of control is in others in the sense that if they do not insult us we are happy, if they do not kiss us we are fine, if they do not stick to us like glue we are fine. Meaning that our state of well-being is in the hands of the another person and so we think that we must control the situation or the environment. That is where our locus of control is, outside of ourselves and this is not freedom at all, this is slavery and this is why people really do not like this.

Shifted Locus

When we shift our locus of control to be inside of ourselves, that is we control our own weaknesses, we control our own physiology the locus of control is inside and it does not matter what happens outside of our ourselves because we can control the effects of the impressions on our interior that come from the outside.

This is freedom, this is where the freedom starts!


To shift the locus of the point of control we first have to understand that we have our locus of the point of control outside of ourselves in controlling others. Secondly, discover what weaknesses keep that locus of control outside of ourselves. Thirdly to make the resolution of controlling ourselves (stop controlling outside) from our interior, and lastly, to work on dissolving those weaknesses. Then smile and enjoy your freedom!

End (2061).

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