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Tuesday 14 November 2017

Kill an Ego and a Massive Hole is Left – Not True! - (2067)

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

This is a law of nature, in that there is a great tendency for nature to fill a vacuum. In physics it is well know that to obtain a vacuum much effort is needed, all because nature abhors a vacuum.

It requires some discipline in our consciousness to experiment the illuminating void.

So, the very same within us. When we create a void within us that void tends to be filled. If there was once love in our inner space and that love was removed then that void will be filled by something. Perhaps another love or by its opposite value – hatred, resentment etc.

Dissolution is the Creation of a Void Plus the Filling of that Void

So, when an ego is dissolved a void is created but thankfully it is filled with the essence that was inside that ego and now it is the free essence that fulfils that function from within our own Being. So as one thing dies in us the opposite is born equally.

If we are feeling a void in us when working on the dissolution of an ego we can ask our inner Divine Mother to fill that void. Before it gets filled with something else that may be inconvenient for us.

Emptiness and Fullness

Emptiness and fullness are together, they are like good and evil, life and death. They set the limit for one another. So, if we are empty of the ego we are full, overflowing with Being. IF we are full of ego we are empty of Being. The illuminating void is full of non-being.

End (2067).

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