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Tuesday 14 November 2017

Una Bomba! – Solteros Gnosticos estan Dificiles Como el Infierno - (2066)


Here you go for a bit of fun, I have half disguised the title (only half because google translate will reveal all to you) so you wouldn’t read it. But if you are, here’s a combination of half fun and half truth.

A Smattering of Pride

Sometimes because we are studying Gnosis, we, can come to think, that we are special and deserve a special someone, and that alone or that combined with some other beliefs, is the cause of a few odd attitudes and a few odd things to take place. More about that later on, but for now back to this issue of pride…

Mind you, there are people, men and women in the spheres of human normal life, that consider themselves special because they think that they have a good looking face (they may well have even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder) or a good healthy, in-shape looking body, and because of that, they feel that they deserve someone just as good or even better etc. etc.

There are people that believe because, this is normal – no stress, that they, just because it is them, deserve someone who is special, wealthy, gifted, laborious, kind, considerate, extra-ordinary you name it the list can go on.

This trait which I repeat, is normal, and I would not really feel ashamed about it, gets transferred to the Gnostic sphere where we believe (we don’t like to tell anybody because that would mean to show others how proud and dreamy we are and that we are not working enough etc. – who cares just tell them) that we deserve a top-notch Gnostic. And sometimes that is hard to find, and what is worse we also have these other interests in the background as well that we want someone that is also good-looking, healthy, has a good body, has some money, decent family background, no previous relationships etc.

The low down of this pride is that it is good and bad. Good in that it filters out the pretend Gnostics and bad on the other hand because it stops and delays us and can make us very weary and fearful even. WE may feel scared because we think that we are going to have to accept something because of the work, and that something is someone that we don’t like and we feel just awful – like an arranged marriage type of thing. That does not all have to happen and we should not ever feel scared of that or accept that.

In the End…

In the end, it gets very complicated for ourselves if we are like this…

Being quietly honest with ourselves, we discover it is really a matter of pride, at the bottom of it all.
Vanity is always everywhere. It gets hard doesn’t it? But on the same token we don’t have to get crazy and opt for something that is not right for us do we? Of course not!

So how to get out of that predicament or spider’s web. Using lust is not the answer either, but something else – our Being and of course our good ever reliable and constant friend - reality.

Be Balanced and Use the Being

A single person in Gnosis can’t avoid this predicament because of pride or lust. Why? Because the Being inside the person wants to transform Itself and wishes to complete Its work of inner Genesis, and to do this, the co-operation of another person to complete this task with, is needed.

So we must say to ourselves and our inner Being: “I need the co-operation of another essence and Monad that has a physical body of the opposite sex to me to complete your work. Can you illuminate my understanding to see or finds such an essence-Monad here on this Earth within my possibilities and capacities?”

Then one must wait and if nothing appears one must then using balanced and very logical and practical common sense totally backed and supported by the principles and intelligence of the work on ourselves make a short list and try.

Here you go, here below are some odd things that have happened when were not at all balanced, realistic, sensible and practical based on the work and the path in their attempts at finding an essence-Monad in a physical body of the opposite sex needed for us to love and to help realise and to be helped in the realisation of our inner Being.

Odd Things

One of the odd things to happen are a lot of experiences or dreams that are just odd, meaning they are not really realistic. These dreams could be physically probable and it is possible for them to happen in real life, but it is pretty unlikely. Like for example, why would a young single guy marry or even think about a relationship with a much older divorced lady with children and vice versa. It can happen but not at all likely.

It is even odder when someone has a dream, and the other person in the dream has never showed any interest in a relationship with us. But we tend to gloss over that real life fact and believe in the dream. Which proves to be a disappointing mistake.

The above can be quite embarrassing. All because we don’t screen our thoughts, our logic and our dreams using the filter of reality. We somehow think that the common order in life does not apply to the work but it does we come to see and learn.

Why would a lady who is a missionary consider us if we may be a person without a job, not wanting to be a missionary and be very irregular in attending our Gnostic group meetings. We are dreaming if we think that, the reality will show us that we will not get anywhere there. This rarely happens in normal life and so why should it happen here as well. There is not balance or nor reciprocity. That is what it is about balance and reciprocity.

People can get a little obsessed or fixated and hang around others and bother others with communication after communication and not give up. They hide their obsession with requests and questions to do with practical things of the work but behind that they are obsessed.

People can have delusions that they deserve a person who has much to offer in the work and life while they do not want to offer much in return in the way of work or even things in life, to the other person. They want the other person to do everything even the work for them.

Match-Making at Retreats

It is well known in the background of many singles that retreats are a hope to meet someone ‘special’ or just ‘someone’.

The bigger the retreat, the more people, the longer the duration of the retreat, the bigger the hope and background (subconscious) expectation. Because there are more opportunities (we think) and more time to try ponder those opportunities (which may not really be opportunities at all but they are there at least we think).

People like to find matches for singles in retreats.


As much as we don’t like it, we have to settle for what is real. If we use balance and reciprocity, we put ourselves in a good position to judge things well.

End (2066).

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