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Wednesday 8 November 2017

Lack of Control Inside Becomes Control Outside - (2060)

Deeper Reason

Basically when someone seeks control outside of oneself the deep reason for that is a lack of inner control or inner mastery or dominion.

In whatever field of life, you look at and you see a very domineering person whether it be yourself or another person, there is in that person or yourself a lack of inner dominion related to the values or qualities of the essence that are involved in that area of life.

For example, all that dominating business within sexuality, that very quickly becomes one of the many branches of infra-sexuality, is due to a lack of control over ones’ own sexuality, sexual energy, desires etc.

For example, those who are very pro-active and go getters can lack control of themselves in the difficult situations of life and so they are very controlling of others and circumstances so as to secure easier circumstances for themselves.

End (2060).

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