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Saturday 18 November 2017

Why the Black Waters are No Good - (2074)


As always one only really knows what one has until one loses something. Either by going backwards or forwards.

This applies to our states of consciousness, to the degree in which the qualities of our essence are developed, to our waters and to many other aspects of ourselves in the work and in life.

Black Waters

Physiologically speaking a person having their waters black may not really dramatically affect or limit a person. However psychologically speaking, it is a complete different story. This post has a look at how and why this is.

Basically the waters permeate us and are in our psychology as well as in our chakras, our heart and many other places. Having our waters black does not mean anything greatly beneficial in terms of the state of our psychology and our ability to work on it, read on and you will see why.

When we Start our Waters are Black

When we start the work on ourselves, our waters are black, and that is very noticeable within us. Among the many areas where it is noticeable, are when understanding the classes presented to us is difficult, when understanding the ego is difficult, when meditating is difficult, when counteracting the ego is also very difficult, when seeing into our psychology is very confusing and cloudy, when our imagination is weak, when our will is weak to mention just a few.

So if our waters are relatively clear and we go backwards all of the above are the things that we are going to experience. 

An obscured psychology is one that does not easily;y allow light to penetrate through it and so suffering and pain is one very common characteristic of the black waters.

Imagine a Glass of Water with Sand in It

When you have a glass of water and you pour some sand into it and you shake the glass the sand and water mix making a murky mixture which is difficult to see through and very confusing, with particle of sand moving here there and everywhere. 

When our waters are black our psychology is exactly like that. We can not see very far into our own psychology and when we do look into our psychology everything appears cloudy and unclear. 

We have to wait for the water and sand to settle for things to become clear again, that is for us to be able to see the water and the sand. Which is the same as to be able to see within our psychology the essence and the ego.

To Work in Awakening we Can not Have our Waters Black

Because our waters affect our psychology so determinately it is very difficult to imagine that we can advance in the work of the awakening having our waters black.

This is because the black waters, as the waters (another word for the state of our state of consciousness related to our sexual energy) do, permeate right through our psychological and esoteric constitution and they obscure our vision and do not allow us much insight into and dominion over our psychology.

End (2074). 

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