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Saturday 18 November 2017

Why do we Like Poison? - (2075)


We drink, we smoke, we take drugs and we take in all sorts of impressions that just produce ill-feeling and pain. Why do we do that?

It seems that a part of the sleeping human condition is to ingest physically and psychologically elements that cause us harm. 

When we really think about it, it is such a bizarre and strange thing.

Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and negative impressions are all things that are unnatural and are really  a poison to the body and our psychology.

The question remains, why do we take in such elements that are so harmful to us?

A Payment

Sometimes because we can't help it, sometimes because we overlook it but always deep down because we believe that the poison is worth it that it gives us a higher value that is worth sacrificing or comprimising our health, our psychological well-being and our spiritual well-being for.

If we observe ourselves closely there is something within the egos that do this sort of thing, where they are happy to compromise our health, our psychological and spiritual well-being for something else. These egos easily gloss over the loss of our well-being, thinking that we can sacrifice our well-being for now and later on we will get it back. All the while forgetting that to get our well-being back again we must sacrifice that ego that is sacrificing our well-being and that becomes more and more difficult to do, the more we sacrifice our well-being for the interests of that ego.

Reason Enough

It is reason enough to stop these egos by understanding that they ingest poison. Having any kind of poison in our system is never pleasant. Yet we perpetuate this error.

If one thinks for a decent time about this and thinks about it deeply one becomes more aware of how the various egos do this to ourselves and with this increased awareness one can allow oneself some leeway into our psychology to be able to have some more will backed by understanding to stop these poison ingesting egos. Such egos are the "I's" of drinking, smoking, lust, self-love, pride, greed, anger etc. etc.

End (2075).

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