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Thursday 18 January 2018

A Stumbling Point in Sexuality is Mixing Sexuality with Emotion - (2184)


A point to be vigilant over with regards to the work with one’s sexuality is the intervention of emotion.

Commonly human sexuality is highly mixed with emotion and this is where things go awry.
We know emotion comes from the mind.

Sex is mixed with so many emotional type of needs and is used to fulfil emotional lacks and gaps etc.
However, all the while this not of the right order of things.


Because sexuality does not need emotion., the sexual centre does not emotion to function.

The work of Alchemy is not an emotional work! Is it? No! Of course not! It is a sexual work! Emotion is emotion and sexual is sexual. They are different.

There may be emotion yes of course, the yearning, the contentment that one is helping one’s Being and the Being and essence of one’s spouse but in the overall majority of things it is not emotional.

Inferior Emotions Beware!

When inferior emotions are added or mixed into the function of our sexual centre or emotional elements are mixed into our psychology when our sexual centre is functioning we are inevitably skating on thin ice.

It is precisely these inferior emotions and their psychological states that interfere with or ruin: one’s composure and control over one’s sexuality, one’s transmutation and one’s work of supra-sexuality.


The person who controls emotion is the one who controls his/her sexual force. The wrong emotion proceeds any sexual error, fall, problem, impulse etc. that you can think of.

End (2184).

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