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Thursday 18 January 2018

Parents on the Path - (2183)

What I have Been Told

From some Gnostic classes that I have had, it was conveyed to us that Master Samael once said that to be a parent while walking the initiatic path is a necessary experience of the everyone’s process of self-realization.

Certainly, Master Samael was a father, so was Master Rabalu and so was Master Lakshmi and so were many Masters, even Jesus as Master Samael says had children. But the Churches would not agree, of course.

Why are Some Masters not Parents?

There are other masters that are not parents and this is because as Master Samael said, they were parents in another life, where they traversed the initiatic path. Meaning that they have already passed through this experience of being a parent while on the path.


This does not mean though that one loses the energy to have children so to fulfil this condition. That is really to deceive oneself or rather to be deceived by the ego of fornication.

In the case of Master Samael his children were not due to a deliberate loss or fault to do with the sexual energy.

If children appear while working in the Alchemy and there is no fault perhaps it is due to having to fulfil this condition.

End (2183).

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