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Wednesday 3 January 2018

How we Treat those Below us Counts More than How we Treat Those Above us - (2144)

We All Treat those Above Well – No Surprise there

Especially in spirituality we always treat those who are more advanced or who are teachers or who have been in the spiritual studies a long time, very well.

We subdue our egos of pride and bring our humility and respect to the forefront. Everyone does that. It is like people turn into very co-operative angels around such people. 

We must not stop respecting, loving and treating those above us well, we must improve the way we treat others apparently below us, in both our interior (mind and heart) and physically with actions and words.

The Good and the Bad

However, within the person who does that is something of good and bad. It is good that they do that, it shows to themselves that they do have the capacity for humility and respect and if they want to they can subdue their pride.

But the bad side is that it hides their reality from them. Because as soon as someone below them comes along they treat them very differently don’t they? And this is our real nature or our real level of the Being.

How we treat others above us is a temporary departure from our level of the Being which because we can not sustain it becomes false. We must look to improve how we treat those below us first and pay much more attention to this point.

To Those Above We…

To those above us: we give money, we fulfil promises, we finish tasks for them promptly, we use a warm tone, we care, we visit, we write, we bring gifts, we support, defend, we give our time, we work for, we appreciate etc. etc. But for those below we may not do all of things and if we do some of them we may not do them with as much interest or heart. But that is wrong!

So, beautiful it is to see students helping their missionary when their missionary is the one that taught them from the beginning and is not someone high up.

This is not to say though that those high up are not beautiful, loving and caring either. It is an inner psychological exercise of self-exploration and an invitation to change if one discovers something there deemed worth changing.


It is beery much like what Master Samael says, that what is more important is how we treat people internally within our mind than how we treat them externally, physically.

End (2144).

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