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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Lure Out the Beast! - (2143)

Not with Bait but by Cutting the Supply Line

Every fisherman and hunter uses the technique of baiting, where a small morsel of the prize fish or animal’s favourite food is carefully placed on a hook or in a cage or in a specially chosen location to lure the fish or animal so that it can be easily caught.

This barefoot Aussie bushman lured out a massive 4.5m saltwater croc using the age old technique.
To catch the ego the opposite applies. Starve it and it will be lured out.

Lure Out the Ego so to Catch it (Observe, Study, Comprehend)

We want to do the same with our egos.

But the technique of baiting does not work!

We need to use the exact opposite technique, which is to cut the supply line.

When the supply line to the ego is cut, it all by itself will venture out into the more observable levels of our mind to find food and opportunities to take advantage of in our inner and psychical life. It needs to feed and reassure the validity of it’s existence.

Once Caught – Next Step is Eliminate

Here hunting and the mystical death or psychological dissolution agree, once the animal has been caught, that is observed, studied and comprehended it can be made useful. That is killed and sold, eaten, skinned, stuffed etc. The same applies to the ego, once it has been caught we can ask for its elimination where it gives us back the essence that has been trapped in it, which is the greatest gift to us.

End (2143).

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