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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Introducing – A New Organization of Posts - (2181)

Christmas Present

Here is my Christmas present from my brother-in law, who is also a Gnostic missionary, whom I think many of you know.

A New Site

He has created a new site with the idea to provide a platform where the more useful posts from this blog are organised into an easy to navigate system of categories. This is so that readers can find what interests them quickly and easily. Also, and why not, improve the ascetics in the process.

You can think of this blog site as being flowing and organic and the site being the filtered out version of the same site. 

It is in its early stages yet though please feel free to check it out:

Yes that’s right Neptune, the God of the Sea!

It has been and still is my all time favourite God of Greek Mythology, followed y Athena the Goddess of Wisdom. I have always admired the vastness, mystery, life and power of the Ocean that is embodied in the Greek God of the Sea Poseidon or known as Neptune to the Romans.


The goal is to have all filled out with content from this blog.

Igneous Media

If by the way you happen to like the work done of the website, click here to go to my brother-in law’s web design site:

End (2181).

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