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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Experiment Follow the Voice - (2182)

Follow What Voice Again?

Here I don’t mean the voice that a medium would hear or the voices that a mentally ill person hears or for that matter the external voices of the ultra that a psychic or a person with the occult ear developed would hear but the voice of your conscience, the voice of your intuition and the voice of your consciousness.

This voice is not an independent voice but one that surges or arises out of your very own awareness, inspiration, heart etc.

Once Found

Once one recognizes within oneself the voice of one's conscience then with some observation and experimentation, one can come to trust in this voice.

One can trust in its directives, corrections, hunches, suggestions. If one trusts it, one can logically follow it and just watch what happens in that flow.

As a very interesting experiment try it, just follow and do what the voice prompts.

Please note once again it is not to be crazy but to perceive that advice or that impulse that comes out of our own consciousness, out of your own intuition, with it operating in the small details of life: brush your teeth, do it now rather than later, don’t buy it, don’t say that, check that the door is locked, just go over it one more time etc.

It is the voice that we often don’t like hearing because it goes against the interests of many of our own egos. The other voices strengthen the ego, because they are not of the consciousness. This is the precise way to discern between them.

End (2182).

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