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Friday 12 January 2018

Mantra for the Day: B - (2169)


This mantra develops the chakra of the spleen which when active allows one to Master Samael says the power to command the undines of the waters both internal and external.

But more importantly for us to that this mantra will improve the health of the spleen, helping it along with its functions.


Practical Magic, Gimel, The Empress, Chakra of the Spleen

“114. He who develops this spleen chakra acquires the power to command the creatures of the water.
115. The chakra of the spleen collects during the night the energies that the Sun has left during the day.
116. With these energies the chakra of the spleen transmutes the white blood cells into red blood cells.
117. The chakra of the spleen is the centre of the etheric body. This is where the life of the sun enters our organism.
118. The letter B belongs to this chakra.
119. This chakra has 6 petals or ripples.”
Samael Aun Weor
End (2169).

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