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Friday 12 January 2018

What if One is Diagnosed with Cancer? - (2164)


I really want to present a post on this topic.

This is so to have a clear didactic there ready within my psyche for any eventuality, whether it be for myself for any other person. Sometimes it can be a worse impact if such an eventuality is for a loved one than it is for ourselves.

I don’t have cancer nor does anyone close to me, though there have been a few close calls.

I also wish to deal a very strong blow to the “I’s” of fear and anxiety that latch onto such an issue.
As we hear about this so often in life these days I think that such a post could be useful.

AS a disclaimer: all things in balance if there is a solution then go for it. This post is more for when the case is difficult and no promises can be made.


In the times that I have felt anxious, deep down in me there was the searching for a special force, that I imagined would enter into me like a soothing wave of calm, calming the tempests of anxious emotion and burning humiliation.

I deeply felt something like this was the solution, but I didn’t know what this force could be, I didn’t have a name for it, nor did I know how to access it. I suspected clearly though, that this force was something different to the sheer force of will that I using to step through the many events that would make me anxious and fearful.

It was not until last year that I finally learnt, thanks to my marvellous missionary (not really mine – yours too) that that antidote is TRUST!

Trust is that special tranquil and calm force that moves into our psyche and appeases the worrying and frightfully stormy waves of anxiety and fear.

If we can call upon trust each time we are worried or anxious, we will learn more for ourselves about trust. What it is, why it works and how it works in us to sooth anxiety and fear.

There are many times in life in which we need trust. Receiving bad medical news as this in the title of this post, is definitely the time to call upon trust!

Understanding the Law and Applying Trust

Trust in the law is key!

Trust Your Own Karma

Can we trust the Law? Do you trust your own karma?

We don’t fully do we? We feel a little anxious when thinking about our karma don’t we? We feel that the Law is out there to get us and so we can’t trust something that is against us can we?

I want to say that the Divine Law is not ever out to get us, they just have to enact what we did against ourselves. It is always ourselves that is against ourselves. Hitting you is to hit myself a little later down the track. We are all one, what I do to you to the same as doing it to myself. Karma makes the unity that unites us all something real here in the physical world.

Our Own Karma

When it comes to our own karma we feel we don’t deserve it or that we should fight it? What if we accept it and trust it! That would include our cancer diagnosis.

We feel so humiliated to have to accept that diagnosis don’t we? “Am I so bad? Am I worth just this much to have cancer?” I hear these words echoing from the depth of the psyche.

Will of the Law is the Same as the Will of the Being

The will of the Law is also the will of our Being! If the Law wills that I have cancer it is also my Being that wills that I should have it.

Obviously, there is no effect without any cause. There is a cause to have cancer and being justice, how can my own Being go against justice and avoid paying it.

One with Karma and Trust in the Being

What eases our suffering is to accept, trust and love our Being that sends us this cancer. “I don’t have time to finish the Being’s work” may be a protest that emerges from within us, “we are not an initiate yet”, “we have not awakened our consciousness yet”, “we need more time”, yet if we trust in our Being, we trust in our Being’s decision to have brought this to us now!

This cancer has to be brought to us for a reason, if we trust in our Being we trust in his wisdom to bring this upon us now. It is for the better.

Our pride cries and wishes for it not to be so, and wishes to wage a tremendous all out war against it. To win means to be able to do all that it feels it will be missing out on. However, in doing so, pride distances ourselves from the very Being we are fighting to get close to, and it creates a war within. Resulting that in the overall feeling of distrusting our Being. We distrusted the wisdom of our Being in favour of our own. Yet who is wiser our Being or us? Does not the limited wisdom that we have come from our Being’s greater source of wisdom?

Summing Up

The main thing when something like this happens to us or another person that we love, or that we just know, is to trust. To trust the Law and the Being for having sent it. It has come because of justice, because of some unseen debt. Justice is everywhere in the universe holds true and steady, it is one thing that we can trust as sure as the law of gravity.

Trust will ease the anxiety, fear and the many feelings of loss - because there is so much left yet to do.
It is our pride that rebels against justice and does not want to accept it even when it is obviously just. But in this case, it is more difficult because we can’t see how it is just.

Trust allows us to become one with our karma. Distrust keeps us fighting and feeling ever more anxious.

When we trust our karma we feel at peace, which is something totally different to anything we could feel without it – trust that is.

What Works: Meditate Upon and Meditate Upon

To make trust work in us we have to meditate and meditate upon this understanding of accepting and trusting our Being and the Law. The more we meditate upon it the deeper it will enter into our consciousness and the more powerful it will be in us and the calmer it will make us.

End (2164).

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