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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Met Someone. So How do I then Introduce them to Gnosis? - (2162)

In Reality

In the Gnostic groups say in a country like Australia there may be close to an equal number of single men and women but in reality, unfortunately that does not translate to there being a match for every single person.

According to what I have seen over the years a small percentage of the Gnostic singles are able to find a match among people already actively studying and practicing Gnosis. So one is forced to look outside of Gnosis. That is not at all ideal but what can one do?

Hence this post, which addresses the question: “what can I do to introduce someone to Gnosis, whom I have met and like?”.


Introduce the person to Gnosis and see…

However, the way that one introduces the person to Gnosis can influence the outcome.

What you really want as an outcome is that the person likes Gnosis for themselves and is not in it because of you. If they are in Gnosis because of you, in the long run they will find Gnosis an ‘uphill battle’ and the chances of them giving up are much higher.


I think timing, priorities and ‘no fear’ are important factors (in my opinion, others of course will think and advise differently).


The first thing is to have clear is that your number one priority is what you have dwelling inside you, your Being and the work that you yearn to realise for yourself and your inner Being. Having this one thing clear will set it all right.

No Fear

This point being clear in you, will dispel the fear of losing the person or the chance of working that the person represents. Because you will understand that you need a partner to complete the work of your Being and if that person is not interested in the work than simply that person is not the right one for you to work with and therefore is not the choice or was not approved of by your inner Being and the Law. So, you are one closer now to finding the right one.


Don’t take too long! The longer one leaves introducing the person to Gnosis the more difficult it will be to deal with the possible outcome that the person just simply does not like Gnosis.


Above all what is paramount is your example. Our actions teach more loudly than anything that we can say. Always put your work in action first!!! Doing this will give real weight to whatever you say about Gnosis. It will make Gnosis much more real!

I would intelligently explain to the person the benefits of the knowledge, skills, comprehension etc. gained from studying in Gnosis. I would focus on that, starting with the very practical psychological benefits first.

I would focus on how Gnosis gives one a different view of life. How Gnosis helps one to understand people and life. How Gnosis answers so many questions and lays the enigmas of the human being bare. I would show how Gnosis can help the person in their difficulties (everyone has difficulties at or on some level).

The idea here is to show how Gnosis is practical, useful, interesting, powerful and how it will make the person’s life different.

In this exercise you will certainly know if that person will take to Gnosis or not.

If they don’t, personally, my advice here is to evaluate the situation, make sure you are clear and sure and if you are sure that they will not take to Gnosis, then close the book!

I have always gone by premise that one is better off single than in a relationship that does not work or walk both parties towards along a path of spiritual improvement.


Amigo I hope this helps somewhat. Be wise and hold the cause of your Being high in you, as your number one priority to protect! Our Being is our one, unique and primordial love, any other love that surpasses this primordial love, it happens, does not take us to eternity to rest in the bliss that only our Being can embrace us with.

End (2162).

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