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Thursday 11 January 2018

See the Sexual Energy as the Being in us that we want to Fuse, Unite With! - (2163)

Who Do we Make Love to?

We may say that the answer is our husband or wife. But not really, the answer is our very own sexual energy.

The common mode of ‘make love’ is our emotions or passions exciting our sexual energy to produce more emotions where the emotion of affections mixes with those previously mentioned emotions.
The key agent is the sexual energy. If human beings did not have any sexual energy how could anybody ‘make love’ with anybody?

It is our own sexual energy that makes any sexual involvement possible and it is our own sexual energy that allows us to feel anything, we feel our own sexual energy, it is our own sexual energy that ‘makes love to us’.

Our sexual energy and our consciousness here and now, are envoys or agents of our Real Being within us. Isn’t our sexual energy and our consciousness parts of our own Being?

So why not yearn to integrate with our sexual energy, to fuse with it, to draw all of it into our consciousness. In other words; love it. This is to make love. When we ‘make love’ we ‘make love’ with our sexual energy and with our own Being, even if we are practicing Alchemy with someone or not, and this is done by transmuting our sexual energy. What it is that we love is part of us, fuses and vibrates within our Being.

Lust is the opposite of that. It is to throw out the Being in us. It is separate the Being in us, it is in many regards the opposite of uniting with our very own Being. In a previous post, I gave some examples of how the many forms of lust are all about separating the vital and ethical principles in sexuality which are at the core of our Bine g from the person.

Conclusion – Very Practical Application

This apparent abstract post has a very practical application. Often people just want to be with another. They desire emotionally or sexually to be with another.

Their concepts and desires do not allow them to discover the point made in this post, which is that even though we may be with another person, it is still all thanks to our own sexual energy and it with our sexual energy that we feel, and really truly make love. Lovingly, in the sense of yearning to fuse with the our sexual energy through transmutation, while seeing our sexual energy as part of our Being, we can gather the understanding to set us free from this desire. But this does not mean that we do not need the Alchemy, we still do: “right until the doors of the Absolute” Master Samael said.

End (2163).

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