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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Three Churches – Gnosis the Militant Church - (2142)

Militant Church

Master Samael Says there are Three Churches, which are:
1.)    The failed church (iglesia fracasada)
2.)    The militant church: Gnostic movement
3.)    The triumphant church: Gnostic Church.

Gnosis as studied and practiced amongst the various schools on the planet Earth, belong to the militant church.

This tells us why Gnosis is very different to so many of the other schools that there are. Especially the schools that have that casual, relaxed and easy going feel to them that attracts so many people and makes so many people feel ‘at home’ and ‘at ease’. There is a reason for that, read on…

‘Military Like’ is Needed

This precisely what is needed for us human beings to arrive at and walk the path.

We need the discipline, will and constancy of the military, of course applied to the Gnostic psychological and esoteric studies and practices.

Military Like Clears the Ground to Develop Sacrifice

Military like discipline applied towards a spiritual goal gives students the ability to sacrifice, which in their own particular work will lead them to develop all that they need to walk their path.

This is what is needed the ability to be able to sacrifice.

Without this ability, we can not walk the path and find the light that we need to continue walking.

Different to the three Catholic Churches

Here is an excerpt from a Wikipedia article about eh three types of churches in Catholicism. Interesting but very different. Really it is the three divisions of the failed church.

“This article is about traditional divisions of the Christian Church.

In Christian theology, the Christian Church is traditionally divided into:

the Church Militant (Latin: Ecclesia militans), which consists of Christians on earth who struggle as soldiers of Christ against sin, the devil, and "the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places";

the Church Penitent (Latin: Ecclesia poenitens), also called the Church Suffering (Latin: Ecclesia dolens) or the Church Expectant (Latin: Ecclesia expectans), which in the theology of certain churches, especially that of the Catholic Church, consists of those Christians presently in Purgatory; and

the Church Triumphant (Latin: Ecclesia triumphans), which consists of those who have the beatific vision and are in Heaven.”

End (2142).

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