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Wednesday 17 January 2018

People Don’t Change They Just Accommodate Themselves to New Circumstances - (2178)

Rare it is that People Change Even when their Life Changes

It is not so often that people change. Change only comes about voluntarily so what people do when their physical circumstances change, like getting married for example, they slowly accommodate their own old ways into their married life. 

The friendly single guy that promises to his 'flat mates' to work so to financially contribute to the rent and general living costs, yet underneath deliberately orchestrates a way to bludge off of his friends so in the end he does not have to work, will continue to be the same even when he marries.

His egos of pride and selfishness, that think that he is more or better than his friends, in the sense that it is them that should work and not him, and his selfish protective egos that keep himself healthy and pretty while his friends work and tire themselves when getting married will do the same. They will promise or lie again and find a way to not have to work, and once again bludge off of another person, exasperating the other person and tiring out the other person.

When such a person marries, that is his life circumstance change, will promise the parents of his betrothed to work, but within a short time will intelligently manage within the new circumstances  to return to his old ways after making an appearance of an effort to be different, but all the while the egos of pride and selfishness remain in control with a plan to return back to their old ways.

Many Examples

There are so many examples of this. When migrants arrive on foreign land, they soon accommodate and establish ‘little Italy”, china town, “little Lebanon’ etc. etc. Wherever we go we carry our egos and our problems with us, and no matter how many times we change our location, environment or circumstances we tend to return to the old ways of the ego after performing some kind of reaccommodating procedure. A leopard does not change his spots so easily.


Extracting the light from the subconscious is not so easy and one thing that we must find and unearth is the plan of the ego to always return to its old ways.

When one renounces to the plan of the ego to always accommodate itself one can make some true head way in changing and in dissolving it.

End (2178).

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