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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Why the Real Human Being is Number Five Shaped as the Pentagram - (2179)

All to do with the Causal Being Number Five

We have the physical body, the vital body, the astral body, the mental body and the causal body which is the fifth body from the physical and is the body of will.

Consciousness and spirit in the Buddhic and Atmic bodies respectively lies above the causal body, that is the body of will.

The true human being is the person moved, governed, directed, lead, inspired, commanded by the consciousness and the Spirit. That is by Buddhi and Atman. For this to happen the consciousness and the Spirit must have command the will, that is the causal body because the causal body commands all that there is below. That is the body of will commands, mind, emotion, vitality and action.

The causal body is the exact divide between the inferior and superior parts of the Being. It is the critical point, whomever controls the causal controls the inferior. If the inferior rises up it controls the inferior but if the superior takes the causal it controls the inferior and this the right order of things.
That is why the true human being is number five because such a person has dominion over his or her will and that allows the consciousness and Spirit to govern the person which is the physical vehicle. Such a person has the will free enough to obey his or her own consciousness and Spirit.


The pentagram is a geometric shape that has five points and ten outer lines or five edges. Exactly like the shape of a human being. We have five points and five edges and we have ten toes and ten fingers.
The pentagram is also a star, having a superior point, two neutral points and two inferior points. This shape depicts the quality of the five centres, with the intellect being the superior, the emotional and motor the neutral and the sexual and instinctive being the inferior. This shape also says that the superior must reign over the inferior. The emotion and motor are neutral as they obey the intellect, according the immutable process of the functioning of the centres that goes: thinking, feeling acting.

The star shape of the pentagram reminds us of the spirit and the it further tells us that the true being the five-pointed star is one ruled by the Divine, that is by the heavens.

The inverted star indicates to us that of a fall from the heavens where the inferior has overcome the superior.

Five Centres, Five Senses, Fingers and Five Toes on Each Hand

There is also the very curious number five being present in the number of centres, senses and fingers and toes on each hand.

Master Samael says that the power of the true human being is the number five.

The number five also has to do with cause and effect. The law of Karma.

End (2179).

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