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Monday 1 January 2018

Sexuality Cuts Through to Reveal to Yourself Your Nature - (2136)

A Sword is Sexuality

Sexuality is like a sword in many respects. As Master Samael wrote in the "Perfect Matrimony": sex "is a double edged sword" that on one side wounds and harms and on the other side heals and edifies.

There is another aspect to sexuality in that it cuts right through to our core nature where we can encounter our origin, as sexuality is about origins.


Within the experience of sexuality there is the possibility to connect to our origins. 

If we follow the guidelines and principles of the Alchemy which is the sexuality of our inner Being, we can find or come closer to our inner Being, which is our true origin above and beyond all.

Though if we follow the normal popular ways of life, we find or reveal that other side of the mixture of which the human being is, which is the animal side: the impulses, the expression of passion for sensation, emotion, form etc. and all the desires etc. etc. 

I write this as being an origin, as our body was engendered in this way, and going back to the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, the body that we human beings have now is the result of the original mixture of the real human being and the animal, upon which there have been millions of years of evolution, adaptation and mofigications made to this original blend by the Angels and Gods of Creation. I hope I have not lost or horrified anyone here, you probably don't read this much into the posts so I am safe. 


As always we must chose the origin which to seek. Of course the Being is the best, the most profound, the interesting, the endless the most life giving, the eternal, the most vivifying, the more conscious the one of no pain but delight.

End (2137).

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