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Monday 1 January 2018

Full Moon on the First Night of the Year - (2137)

Year 2018

Cabalistically 2018 is 11, which is certainly a favourable year. The favour of the Law.

2017 was a little hard actually, over here anyway. There were many sad events that took place.

An Interesting Start

An interesting start to this year I am observing right now, is seeing a very clear full moon in the night sky.

They always say that it is good to begin things with a full moon.

I like though what Master Samael says, each soul is the author of his or her own destiny. Meaning for us in this year, we can make this year the way we want it to be.

May it be your year!!!

End (2137).


  1. Thank you, wish the inner development.
    From another Gnostic Aspirant

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