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Thursday 11 January 2018

The Gnostic is not Happy with Relief from a Difficult Situation Just Passed - (2165)

Typical Situation

What happens very often is that we are in a difficult situation and because of that, some “I’s” that we have are put under pressure.

Naturally this is very uncomfortable, so we begin to work on ourselves to remove he uncomfortable feelings.

We may already the “I’s” causing the discomfort or we may not know.

The point is that we find ourselves doing something and this is very good. It is for sure the right thing to be doing.

The difficult situation then passes or is solved and we then feel a tremendous relief. We feel fine again. The pressure that those “I’s” were under has been relieved.

Despite the Relief, there is More to be Done…

Despite the relief we feel it is not the best. What is best is to feel the relief right in the middle of the difficult situation.

A Gnostic that wants to die in those “I’s” really and truly must procure the situation, where one’s work is at the level that it provides relief right in the very middle of hardship.

When one wants this level of death one does not feel happy with the relief felt once the difficult situation has passed.

End (2165).

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