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Tuesday 2 January 2018

When you Catch Yourself Being Controlling there Hides a Weakness - (2138)

A General Rule

As a general rule of thumb, whenever we wish to control something, it is to cover or to avoid some error or weakness being exposed, to either others or to ourselves.

Obviously we are sacred of this weakness being exposed because we have not accepted that part of our ourselves yet.

Jealousy and Control

A jealous lady controls the unfolding of an event, perhaps to not give her man a chance to talk to lady ‘abc’ because she fears his liking for her will increase, or because she just can not deal with the powerfully negative emotions that her own jealousy evokes in her.

One Case Better than the Other

One of the above cases is better than the other! Which one is it? The one where the jealous lady controls an event so that he does not grow fonder of lady ‘abc’ is healthier. The other case where the jealous lady controls the event because she can not deal with her jealousy is graver! This can equally as well be a man. Easily just as well.

For one, such a person who controls an event to avoid their egos flaring up because they can not deal with the pain have not accepted that they have this ego of jealousy yet and they have not accepted the possibility of it being able to be eliminated and they have not accepted as yet within themselves the image of a life free of that ego. In effect they are still hiding from themselves and of course reality - he likes her what can you do about it? Rip open his heart or mind and take lady ‘abc’ out of there? Of course prevent him from not going too far for the good of everyone but to control the event is just suffering for you and if his love for you does not diminish is that worth it? When are you going to dissolve jealousy like this? Never!

Fear and Others

Behind many instances where we exert control is fear. It is the major one actually. And fear always reveals to us a weakness.

There can be greed, ambition and pride as well. Of course behind each of those three mentioned egos are profound lacks or in other words incompleteness and weakness. Any structure that is incomplete unfinished and lacking is weaker and unbalanced.

End (2138).

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