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Sunday 4 February 2018

A Common Sense Procedure for Cleaning Out the Mind - (2218)

Taken from the Home

Imagine you decide to clean out one of your messy desk drawers. These would the general steps that you would take right:

1. Lay out the contents of the drawer on a table.
2. Organize the contents into categories, such as: 'keep' and 'don't keep' and 'move somewhere else'.
3. Sift the contents into the three above categories.
4. Bin the 'don't keep' contents.
5. Move the 'move somewhere else' contents to somewhere else.
6. Put the 'keep' contents back into the drawer.

Cleaning out our mind is very similar!

Cleaning out the Mind

A very good way to work on our own mind, cleaning out all the junk that we have accumulated is to follow the same procedure as when we clean out one of our messy drawers.

1. Survey the contents - use observation of the mind in meditation.

2. Organise the contents - discern in meditation what is to be discarded and what can stay.

3. Analyse and comprehend the 'to be discarded' contents so to get the light.

4, Discard with KRIM and the Divine Mother.


See, Organise, Analyse, Discard (SOAD).

Yes, our mind like our house accumulates a lot of junk and just like our house, we must clean our mind out. The cleaner and more organised our house is the easier and better it is to live in it. This is exactly the case for our mind. Though I would spend more time cleaning out my mind then my house. But for sure I would not live in a mess.

End (2218).

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