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Sunday 4 February 2018

Dignity - Where is it in Us? - (2216)

It is Found in Our Responses and not in How we are Treated

Real dignity is not found in how we are treated but in the way we respond to being treated unfairly.

We often think that when others treat someone well that that is dignity. Dignity is instead, something that lives within our essence and it is a kind of strength, that  contains real will power and is an upward reaching within ourselves so to draw upon our noblest thoughts, ideas and sentiments in the difficult moments of our lives.

See as in the above diagram, dignity is normally considered a right which everyone demands from everyone else.
However in the psychological work sense, dignity is something that we in balance give to ourselves. In fact
it is our own Being that gives dignity to Itself through Itself! 

What We Usually Always Demand from Others

We demand very often a respectful treatment from others, but we never act with dignity when we are insulted.

The real dignity acts in us through our essence in the way of allowing us and even making us respond to harsh treatment in a dignified way.

To be insulted, shouted at, shoved or pushed, rejected, expelled, thrown out, are some of the many harsh treatments that can come our way. When in response to all of these harsh treatments: we cry, swear, storm off, get upset, sulk, brood, reject, become irritated and aggressive or violent we are losing our dignity.

What We Must Demand from Ourselves

We must demand dignity from ourselves in our reactions and responses. Not from others in the way they treat us.

When we are insulted or rejected ask yourself, where is my dignity? Then see yourself responding with dignity, returning a balanced, wise, measured response, and above all, a response free of ill-will.

If we do this so much will change in us. We will gain more of our real dignity and Being. We will not feel that we have lost something but on the contrary we will feel that we have held ourselves together and have won a little more of our values and therefore Being.

End (2216).

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