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Sunday 18 February 2018

An Ensnaring Contract Existing Between the Five Senses - (2238)

An Observation on the Five Senses

We have the five senses, which we can break up into two groups. One group with sight and hearing and the other group with touch, smell and taste.

The difference between these two groups is that one group of senses works in close range and the other works at a distance.

To taste, smell and touch we have to come into close contact with the things that we can taste, smell and touch. Whereas with hearing and sight we can see and hear things from a long distance and not have to come into close contact with those things.

We also have the superior octave of sight and hearing in the spiritual faculties of clairvoyance and clairaudience.

We can say that sight and hearing are less instinctive in nature because they do not require that very material or bodily contact. Perhaps we can even say that they are superior in some regard to the senses of taste, smell and touch. This is not at all to say that we should disregard the importance of taste, smell and touch. The information from these three senses can save our life.

This observation only serves to teach us that we are left freer with the senses of sight and hearing, and not so tied up as we are with the senses of taste, touch and smell.

The Contract to Break

There exists a special contract between the senses where the two higher senses: sight and hearing tie a person to taste, touch and smell. For example, a man who sees a beautiful woman then hears her voice will not remain perfectly content to just see and hear her voice, he will want to involve his other three senses of touch, smell and taste.

This is always the way with everything. We see a beautiful cake and then we want to taste it, touch it and smell it.

Knowing this hidden and mostly unknown contract we can work to break free from it. We can't begin to really struggle against it until we know that it exists in us.


The key to break this entrapment is to refocus our sight and hearing and look deeper into the subtler side of the person, that is into the psychological side of the person through what we see and hear.

To see the psychology of the person is to go to a deeper reality in the person beyond their physical reality. It is actually the reality of the soul, as psychology is the study of the soul. Because really our psychic space is given to us by our essence, which comes from our soul.

End (2238).

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