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Sunday 18 February 2018

Don't Get Annoyed at the Old Man Coughing - (2239)


We are terrible with our annoyances and anger. 

It is very easy to see in so many people that we easily get annoyed when another person, coughs, sneezes, burps, breaks wind, clears their throat, eats, drinks, rubs their eyes, picks their nose, fixes their hair etc. etc.

Annoyance Arises Because

If we observe the annoyance or anger that arises we can see that we are taking that body reaction of another person to be something against us, as if it is something that is harming us or ill-affecting us in someway. 

This is really ridiculous because these things are not at all harming us or ill-affecting us and they are not done with the purpose to affect us either. Coughing or sneezing or burping does not have anything to do with us it is about their body's instinctive centre.  

we may see them as stupid doing these things but it is actually the intelligence of their instinctive centre operating here. There is a reason why they are doing that and plus we are no different either. So to get angry or annoyed at them is making ourself angry at ourselves. Because our body is generally the same and will cough, burp and sneeze and of course the way we take these impressions from others is what makes us angry or annoyed. They are certainly not to blame. There are people in the world that take these things so naturally without it disturbing them for a second.

Understanding this deeply that it is nothing against us or has nothing to do with us is a major key.

How to Know When we Have Changed

There is a very clear key here that shows that we have definitely changed in this aspects or in Gnostic terms, an indicator to show that we are definitely dying this in facet is when we no longer feel annoyed and we with genuine concern see how we can help the person.

Before with our annoyance we would not move a finger to help, but only open our mouth to criticise in some way directly or indirectly.

End (2239).

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