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Friday 2 February 2018

Cupboard Chocolate Monster - (2215)

An Astute Ego

Look at how astute this ego, which I am calling the "Cupboard Chocolate Monster" is. 

That's my shoes from when I was two years old in the right bottom corner. In case you were wondering.
It has organised for itself a nice stash of sweet treasures adapted perfectly to Australian conditions. M and M's that don't melt in the heat (their hard shell keeps the liquid chocolate all contained) and dried mango, with which you can't go wrong, becasue it doesn't melt nor does it go off and it is a delight to snack on.

By observing our own home and our behaviour at home we can learn much about ourselves. We tend to just observe ourselves at work, at Gnosis class, while driving etc., but at home we can easily relax and forget all about self-discovery and self-observation.

It Seems to be a Neutral Ego but Looking Deeper...

So what's the big deal, stashing away some chocolate? Nothing really in common human terms, especially if you bought it yourself. However, there is something more to it than just that. Something about it has a slight smell to it and that smell is worth investigating.

Why hide, why stash things away? Are the interesting questions to ask here.

A Common Behaviour

It is a common behaviour of the ego to hide things. Because any ego knows that being out in the open means its demise not to mention some pain and trouble for the other egos such as vanity, self-love and pride in general.

Many Egos Hide Things

In general, many egos hide things. Many egos use the astuteness of the mind in the ego to hide things. There is even a hiding ego, that is very astute and knows people well and knows how to get away with things and has had much success and practice at it.

When we find that we are hiding something there is a good chance that an ego or egos are involved. We may know that we are doing something wrong or something that others won't approve of.  

Even if it is something not so bad like the cupboard chocolate monster, there is something behind it hiding things, in the case of the cupboard chocolate monster, there is a decent sized ego of selfish in action there.

Something Perhaps Behind the Practicality of Hiding...

It may just seem to be a matter of practicality to hide things, for practical logistical reasons such as others in the house will eat all of it in a few minutes leaving you with nothing. 

Being wise and not wanting to be deceived by our own mind, we can investigate further and find behind the various practical reasons that there is something that lies deeper... There is something that we don't yet accept about ourselves. 

You know there are things about ourselves that we do not accept as yet. In this case of the cupboard chocolate monster, a certain greed for food, a certain gluttony and a big selfishness are what we may not accept about ourselves. We accept the fact that we chocolate but what we don't accept is the big selfishness, and it is precisely this that we hide from ourselves and others. Hence the cupboard chocolate monster lives on in the darkness of not seeing our own selfishness. As soon as we do see it and do consciously accept it, the cupboard chocolate monster's days are numbered.


When we hide things it is because we hide things from ourselves. As soon as you see and accept what it is about yourself that yo are hiding from yourself and others you will change and stop hiding things. In the case of the cupboard chocolate monster, you will tell others you have a stash of goodies and you will share it with them.

End (2215).

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